Our fashion is sustainable.

Eimeo is committed to maintain its 0% fabric or garments wastage we have been working on since the launching of the brand.
Our Values
The secret of our garments lies in the conditions in which they are produced.
We believe our sustainable story has began in 2016 when we started as a slow fashion and
small company with a little team of trustworthy people. Our goal was create a Polynesian garment for women with natural fibers and in small batches to avoid excessive production. Until today not one garment has been thrown away; we make a point NOT TO WASTE. Currently we don’t hold any stock, choosing a make-to-order strategy.

What Eimeo does:
For the community and the families:
Our first community is our staff, they are the blood of the brand. Each one of them from manufacturing to marketing and communication team is treated with same respect. We support them and their families and provide for them with good working conditions and over the minimum wage salaries. Most of our employees work from home so they can be closer to their children or elders.
Local artists and businesses are favored in order to value traditional know-how and practices.
For the environment:
As a slow fashion industry we avoid excessive production to maintain our 0% fabric wastage each year. We are not into stock production but we rather opt for a make-to-order production strategy in which we start manufacturing your garment only after you have placed an order; which also explains the additional wait time to the delivery (4 weeks). Samples are not destroyed but rather distributed among the staff members or put on sales rack. All of our fibers are natural and biodegradable.